Saturday 28 September 2013

Multiculturism, Race and the Left Wing

The left wing in the UK are intrinsically and intractably racist and use minorities for their own ends. Multiculturalism is also colonisation re-branded through spin.

To many the above statements will be inflammatory, upsetting and "divisive", but allow me to elaborate then decide for yourself.

Lets begin with the basics, lets begin with the word 'rascism'. The Merriam-webster dictionary supplys the following definitions -

1:  a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2:  racial prejudice or discrimination 
However when you hear a left winger scream racism, the above is not what they mean. You see, to reach the criteria of 'racist' a person must have power and privilege which only white people have; ethnic minorities don't. Worse still, is the fact that the police force of the UK actually works on this basis too.

Racism, by an Orwellian manipulation becomes in effect a Marxist tool of social revolution.The Communist/ left no longer have a proletariat to act as their army in the quest to overthrow capitalism. A cause which no longer has troops must levy a force from elsewhere. (sheds light on the Labour/ Unions fight doesn't it?)

I'm not sure anyone has informed the minorities, but until they have been molded in the marxist mould, they are still useful as human shields of moral correctness for the left. Labour simply roll out a token black woman (looking you Diane Abbott) a couple of Asian MPs, and point "look, look, we are the party of the downtrodden, the oppressed slaves of British imperialism" as they send their children to white majority private schools after graduating from Oxbridge.

Study of British empire however does not back up or justify this rabid racism against white people, but lets keep that one secret. To add an extra layer of farce to it all, many of the ideals of the empire would not be out of place in the modern lefts multiculturalism.

Here is a left winger hovering around this realisation, but not quite being able to bring himself to making the leap -

So disastrous is multiculturism that not only Blair, but also Cameron, Sarkozy and Merkal have spoken against it. Holland has revolted against it-

Yet the left in the UK still chants it. The public don't realize it is colonization and people laud "multicultural" as if allowing the imposition of apartheid in the UK is a great thing (see Tower Hamlets), while white majority areas are labeled "hideously white". If they do realise the reality, they are left confused as all those around call them racist for pointing out they are being colonized.

Don't forget that the depression of wages and (failed) attempt to increase the tax base to combat the looming pension deficit (immigration) were not resisted to strongly by the likes of the CBI...
A pox on all their houses.

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